8月11-13日業界頂尖品牌 雲集於香港會議展覽中心
一連三天假座灣仔香港會議展覽中心舉行的「2023香港高級視聽展」,8月11日及12日開放時間由早上10:00至晚上7:00,8月13日則由10:00至黃昏6:00,而每位購買100元入場門票的人士均可獲贈《2023原音精選》雙層SACD乙張。歡迎瀏覽《音響技術》的專屬網頁及Facebook專頁,展會的最新消息將會持續更新! 共三層的展區佔地超過一萬平方米,各大品牌及代理分佈於S2系列會議室(10間會議室共1,532平方米),4樓君爵廳,S4系列會議室(10間會議室共1,532平方米),Hall3展覽廳(開放式空間佔地超過80,000呎)。其中於展覽廳3內劃分出26間採用特別隔聲物料建構的「發燒房」、18個「特色主題展覽區」、「音響器材、線材及輔件專區」、「音樂軟件專區」,時尚而創新的器材,為發燒友帶來充滿樂趣的享受。
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Enquiry +852 2881 1252
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The 2023 Hong Kong Hi-End AV‧Head-fi Show
The 2023 Hong Kong Hi-End Audio Visual Show will be celebrated from 11 to 13 August at the Hong Kong Convention Exhibition Centre. Apart from extending the scale to meet the demands from local and worldwide audio brands, there will also be endless array of audio equipment and software as well as special live shows. Which cater to dealers, distributors and manufacturers, as well as music loving consumers.
Numerous audio and visual brands joined our Show in the past, and there are even more this year. Not only will there be new brands from Asia, Europe and US, new young local brands are equally enthusiastic. Exhibits include traditional 2-channel gears, the new headphones form open back to wireless options. Headphones and new equipment, visitors can try out new that fils everyone’s taste and budget products on spot as over a thousand brands will be exhibited.
In the music software zone, there is a wide collection of vinyl and compact disc from all over the world, both newly launched and used. Those who visit the “2023 Hong Kong Hi-End Audio Visual Show” will have the golden opportunity seeing all the latest audio/visual products and enjoying price discounts at the same time.
The opening hours of “The 2023 Hong Kong Hi-End Audio Visual Show” will be from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on 11 & 12 August, and from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on 13 August. Every $100 ticket holder will be given a hybrid “The Perfect Sound 2024” SACD. For details and products information, please visit our website and facebook page.
About “Hong Kong Hi-End Audio Visual Show”
Starting from 2003, the Audiotechnique holds a 3-day international “Hong Kong Hi-End Audio Visual Show” in August each year. The Show is the biggest of its kind in Hong Kong. There are over 130 exhibitors and +25,000 visitors (2022 statistics). It attracts representatives from the audio field and audiophiles from China and all over the world including Japan, Korea, Europe and the US. It has been reckoned as one of the three most important Audio Visual Shows worldwide.
About Audiotechnique
The Organizer “Audiotechnique” is an audio magazine media and has been publishing for 42 years since August 1981. This monthly media has become indispensable for music and audio lovers, distributors, dealers and manufacturers of the industry. Audiotechnique is the first audio magazine to be imported and distributed in China by the “China National Publications Import & Export Corporation Guangzhou Branch”.
YouTube www.youtube.com/AudiotechniqueMagazine
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AVshow Facebook www.facebook.com/HKAVshow
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WeChat www.mifanxing.com/channel/401
eShop www.audiotechnique.com/eshop
E-mail mag@audiotechnique.com
Enquiry +852 2881 1252
WhatsApp +852 9062 4770